Happy Hump Day Guys!
This week I decided to write a short blog on balance and how important it is.
We all know how busy our day to day lives can be and sometimes we forget about the things that are important to us. Whether you are working,studying or a full time mum it can be easy to get tied up with everything going on in that area of your life. People often get burnt out because they are putting there all into that one area and not having a balance for other parts of their life.
So what makes your heart sing???
What makes you feel fulfilled???
Have a look at your current daily/weekly routine.
If you are feeling burnt out or maybe a little frustrated with one area of your life eg work, it can effect all the other areas of your life. Perhaps you could socialize with friends/ family, take up an exercise class or do some yoga.
If you're studying make sure you take breaks and maybe join societies & clubs in college.Get to know new people, make friends and memories.
If you're a full time mum, make 'ME time'. Whether it's getting your nails done or meeting some of the girls for a coffee. No matter how much you love your kids, you need a break...
Maybe you used to play an instrument. Pick it up again, even if it's for 20 mins a week. That 20 minutes could balance your mind and set you up better for the rest of your week.
Invest time in you. Read something that will inspire you. 1 page a day...
Often I have said to myself ''I don't have time to read''. Yet I find myself scrolling through social media several times a day and not even paying attention to what i'm looking at.
Whatever you are doing, meeting friends, at a family gathering, a group conversation in class, be present. It is the only moment that matters.
Do something this week that you have been putting on the long finger. That thing you 'Don't have time for'. When you start to balance work/study/relationships with what makes you happy, everything will start to fall into place.
Roisin xxx