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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Tango Time!!!

Welcome back to my blog!

So this week I decided to talk about tan. 

For those of you who were away on holidays this summer, the natural tan (like the lady above!!) could be starting to fade. With Party season just around the corner we all want a bit of a glow for all the nights out!!

If you're like me and a complete milk bottle then getting that golden goddess look makes me feel so much better. Personally on me, I think everything looks better with tan.

With being an Irish dancer, I've tried so many tans over the years. As you get older, your skin changes so some tans will appear different on every ones skin.

*My #1 Favourite Tan*

For the past year or more my favourite tan is defiantly "White to Brown Dark". It comes in a lotion form and it sits perfectly on my skin. It doesn't dry out my skin like previous ones did. One Layer on my upper body gives a fantastic coverage. The deeper colour you want, the more layers you would apply.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one but my legs don't absorb tan as much as my upper body so I always need an extra layer or two on them.
You can see this tan when you are applying it so its easy to make sure it's even all over.
It lasts about 7-10 days, gradually getting lighter from about day 3. I love how this tan wears off. It doesn't leave that scaly look so it's fantastic for tan lovers. It's priced at €14.75 for 250ml and is available from Cara Pharmacy.


My second favourite would be "Tan Tastic" or "Bronz' Express".
I think both of these are nearly identical. They come in water like substance. You can also see these while applying. This doesn't come off as good as white to brown but it's still quite ok. Once you apply this it will develop darker over a few hours. I would usually apply at night time and wake up lovely and brown 😋Priced around €15 for 100ml available in Cara Pharmacy and many others.


Last but not least for a quick last minute tan or if you just want something for the day/night the "Sunkissed Dark" tan is a super easy tan to apply. This comes in a mousse form. Immediately bronzed and washes off.
This tan is so cheap, around €4 in Penny's for 200ml. The only downfall is wearing it with white clothes. It can wear off onto the clothes compared to the other two.

I apply all tans with a mitt. I also usually apply a small bit of moisturizer to the rougher/dryer areas of my skin before applying. Eg Elbows and Knees.

Happy Tanning !!

Roisin xxx

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The Balancing Act

Happy Hump Day Guys!

This week I decided to write a short blog on balance and how important it is. 

We all know how busy our day to day lives can be and sometimes we forget about the things that are important to us. Whether you are working,studying or a full time mum it can be easy to get tied up with everything going on in that area of your life. People often get burnt out because they are putting there all into that one area and not having a balance for other parts of their life.

So what makes your heart sing???

What makes you feel fulfilled???

Have a look at your current daily/weekly routine.
If you are feeling burnt out or maybe a little frustrated with one area of your life eg work, it can effect all the other areas of your life. Perhaps you could socialize with friends/ family, take up an exercise class or do some yoga.

If you're studying make sure you take breaks and maybe join societies & clubs in college.Get to know new people, make friends and memories. 

If you're a full time mum, make 'ME time'. Whether it's getting your nails done or meeting some of the girls for a coffee. No matter how much you love your kids, you need a break...

Maybe you used to play an instrument. Pick it up again, even if it's for 20 mins a week. That 20 minutes could balance your mind and set you up better for the rest of your week.

Invest time in you. Read something that will inspire you. 1 page a day...
Often I have said to myself ''I don't have time to read''. Yet I find myself scrolling through social media several times a day and not even paying attention to what i'm looking at.

Whatever you are doing, meeting friends, at a family gathering, a group conversation in class, be present. It is the only moment that matters.

Do something this week that you have been putting on the long finger. That thing you 'Don't have time for'. When you start to balance work/study/relationships with what makes you happy, everything will start to fall into place.

Roisin xxx

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

My 5 Top Tips for Healthy Skin

Hope you're all having a great week and enjoying the little bit of sunshine we had today!

So as you all know I'm a makeup artist and I've had lots of questions about makeup but more so about the skin. I decided to do a blog with some tips that I find keeps my skin healthy and glowing. ( I'm not a skin expert so this is just what I find works for me and some clients/friends)

We all know that we can use concealer until the cows come home but for a girl, having flawless skin without makeup is what we all want. Here are a few things that i feel helps keep my skin healthy😗

1. Drinking plenty of water
This is a given and you will hear it time and time again. Water helps to keep your skin hydrated. Especially for those working in an office with air conditioning/heaters, make sure you have plenty of water on hand through out the day. I like to start my day with hot water and a slice or two of lemon. This also helps boost your metabolism
.Image result for water

2. Eat well
We aren't going to be on a healthy buzz 365 days of the year but by eating healthy / feeding our bodies with good nutrients that majority of the time can really show on our skin. Plenty of fruit and veg, good proteins and fats, fish ( omegas are fantastic for the skin) etc. Some people lack certain vitamins in their diet so these can be supplemented. I personally supplement my body with "Artic Sea". These are rich in Omega 3 & 9. It is advised we eat 3-4 portions of fresh fish every week and I know I don't do this so I take Artic Sea every morning to make sure my body is not lacking these nutrients . They're also fantastic for your joints and concentration so a brilliant all round supplement. ( ) 
If you notice you are getting breakouts in certain areas of your face, this can be related to certain foods you are eating/ time you are eating at.

Image result for forever arctic sea
3.Daily skin regime
Most ladies cleanse tone and moisturize on a daily basis. It is also important to exfoliate your skin at least once if not twice a week. I used to hate exfoliating my skin as I felt most exfoliaters would almost rip my skin as they were so harsh, along with stinging my eyes. I fell in love with this luxurious skin care range almost 2 years ago now and I have never looked back. It's so gentle yet so effective. I get so many compliments on how well my skin looks and to be honest I put it down to using this along with drinking the Aloe Vera gel every morning. It has 75 nutrients in one shot and helps promote healthy skin.

4. Sleep
There's almost nothing a good nights sleep can't cure. Personally after a late night out/ travelling/ lack of sleep in general I would notice my skin would change a little. It's recommended we get 8hours sleep but as we all know, most people don't. I notice fine line and little bags/puffiness around my eyes with lack of sleep. The best thing to cure this is to sleep 😜 Sleep sleep sleep😴

For me personally excercise is so important for healthy skin,body and mind. It's not everyone's favourite thing to do when they get in from work after a long day. Especially now that the evenings are getting shorter it might be another excuse. Even if it's just a short walk, jog, swim 30mins in the gym or whatever type of excercise you choose, I gauretee you will feel so much better after it. If you're feeling stressed maybe from work or personal life, excercise can really take your mind off it for a short while and get the happy hormones running through your body which in turn is good for your skin.

There are lots more tips I could share with you but I feel these are the most important ones! I also feel if you have a skin issue that it needs to be fixed from the inside out. Whether it's from a certain type of food you are eating, something you're drinking etc the best way to fix it is from the root.

I hope this helps some of you out and if you have any questions that I can help with, don't hesitate to ask.
Snapchat: roisindolan

I plan on doing a face mask tutorial over on my snapchat over the next few days so make sure to keep an eye out for that. I promise you will have a good laugh at it😂

Roisin xxx 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Snapchat tutorial

Hi everyone,

Hope you're all having a great week so far. I want to start by thanking everyone for such a great response to my first blog, all the well wishes and support. It is so encouraging when I get feedback and know people are supportive of a new venture like this.

Last Friday I took to snapchat and done my first makeup tutorial. I was wierdly nervous before hand because I never done my makeup looking into my phone/ videoing it while trying to talk and make sense at the same time. Multi tasking at its best!!!

I felt the initial videos were very strange but once I got into it, i started to flow. I got so many messages and snaps to say that people got so much from it and they learnt a few tips. I was delighted to hear that my knowledge could make an impact on people and that they were looking forward to the next one already.

So tomorrow, (Wednesday) I will be doing another makeup tutorial. From the feedback I have got so far, most people say they struggle mainly with the eyes. Eyes are defiantly my favourite part, so what I am asking you guys to do is send me your requests on what type of eye look to do on snapchat tomorrow.

Add me on snapchat and me your request📸
Snapchat username: roisindolan

Here are some links to my other social media if you wish to follow me: 

Instagram: @roisindolanglobal

Looking forward to getting all your snaps. Have a great day☺️

Roisin xxx

Thursday, 1 September 2016

My First Blog Post

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my first blog post!
So one of my goals for 2016 was to start blogging/vlogging. I kept putting it off because I guess I felt nervous as to what people would think, what if I said something that wasn't right, do I know enough etc and also the fact technology is like rocket science to me sometimes!! But after lots of encouragement from some very successful bloggers I decided to just go for it.
For those of you that don't know me, My name is Roisin Dolan. I am a professional Make-up Artist. I have been passionate about make-up from a very young age and studying this in college made my passion even stronger. I am also an Irish Dancer and love working out so I guess my blog will be a mixture of Make-up and Lifestyle.

I live on the border of Cavan and Leitrim, in the middle of the country and I have recently opened my own Make-up Studio. I had this on my goal board too and again I kept putting it off. Coming from a small community I think people care too much about what other people think.

So I've let go of that fear because I am who I am and I'm going to do what makes me happy.

I'm so excited to get started and I hope I can share some valuable tips/tricks about makeup and everything else with you guys.

Thanks so much for reading!

